Crude oil markets face a crucial period
The price of crude oil dropped significantly while recording the biggest drop since October last year; it did coincide with the rise in the US inventories for the week ending July 30, by over 3.6 million barrels. There is a combination of factors that clearly has been driving the price of crude oil down in recent days: at the top of the list is the less-than-expected growth in China, despite multiple reports indicating to the contrary, months ago; in proportion to the slower growth, China’s oil imports declined as expected and the effect is significant because it is the world’s top importer of the commodity. To make matters worse, there are new outbreaks of the Delta variant in a few major cities in China and the corresponding lockdowns in turn bring down the traffic and demand for oil. Although China is taking effective measures to control it from spreading to other cities, the lockdowns will remains for weeks, bringing the economic activities in the cities to a standstill.