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WTI Oil, Brent Oil Prices - latest

Track and Analyze Oil & Gas Prices with Live Charts and Data

Stay informed about the dynamic energy market with our comprehensive oil and gas price charts and historical data. You can go as far back as 1980s for analysis in some data sets.

Understanding the Market:

Crude oil is a highly volatile commodity, and its daily price fluctuations are influenced by a complex interplay of various evolving factors. While no model on this planet can guarantee perfect price predictions, our live charts offer valuable insights into current market trends for the two leading benchmarks, WTI and Brent.


The information provided through the gauges is indicative and approximates the daily oil market prices based on prevailing conditions. It is essential to acknowledge that these gauges are not definitive, but simply serve as a tool to visualize the broad market sentiment for these two key oil benchmarks as well as that of LNG, liquified natural gas.

Navigate with Confidence:

Despite the inherent volatility of the oil and gas market, our historical data and live charts empower you to make informed decisions and navigate the market with greater clarity with a clear sense of balance sans hype.



Natural Gas Price: LNG - latest

The following gauge shows the price of LNG, liquified natural gas, at the moment in the international markets - a close approximation, not an exact value. It is updated regularly many times in a day and reflects th current market value.


Oil Price - weekly fluctuations

The following chart shows how the crude oil prices change weekly - and monthly and anually too. In addition, you can find the historical changes as well with a click of the mouse.



Change Weekly Data:

Data Source: EIA - US Energy Information Administration


Monthly LNG Spot Price - Henry Hub


Change Monthly Data:

Data Source: EIA - US Energy Information Administration

Short-Term Energy Outlook - OPEC: EIA Forecast

The following chart shows the monthly OPEC productions, forecast by the EIA with its STEO, Short Term Energy Outlook.


Change Monthly Data:

Data Source: EIA - US Energy Information Administration

US Crude Oil Stocks


Data Source: EIA - US Energy Information Administration

The US crude stocks is a key factor in determining the market sentiment in the global energy sector; the US is the largest consumer of the commodity on the planet and as a result, its influence is fully understandable. The EIA, US Energy Information Administration, releases the data of the US crude stocks on weekly basis. The above data is by courtesy of the EIA.

Usually, a steep decline in the US crude stocks signals to the market that the consumption in the US is on the rise; it, more often than not, leads to the rise in the price of oil; there have been some recent exceptions, though. On the other hand, if the US crude stocks grow, the energy markets see it as consumer-apathy and the oil price tends to go down.

The above data includes that of the SPR, Strategeic Petroleum Reserve, the stocks that the US maintains for an emergency such as a war or a major geo-political event in the Middle East. where voltatility can affect the oil markets directly.


Primary Energy Consumption by Country

The following chart shows the primary energy consumption in a range of countries, from the developed to developing nations. The data is from the EIA, US Energy Infomation Administration.
You can choose a country from the dropdown list to explore.


Data Source: EIA - US Energy Information Administration

Oil Price - factors to lookout for...

The EIA - the US Energy Information Administration - has identified 7 key factors that collectively play the major role in determining the price of oil. They are as follows:


  • Supply by the OPEC members
  • Supply by non-OPEC members
  • Demand by OECD countries
  • Demand by non-OECD countries
  • Stocks / Inventory Counts
  • Spot prices
  • Financial markets


Since geo-political events affect all the above factors, it's not listed as a factor on its own.

In this context, the above charts are important to understand the fluctuations in the global oil market.


China's Manufacturing PMI

China, the world's second largest economy next to the US, is the world's second largest consumer of oil. In addition, China is the world's largest importer of crude oil. Therefore, its manufacturing activity is a crucial factor, when it comes to global consumption of oil; the greater the manufacturing activity, the greater demand for the commodity from China.
In this context, China's manufacturing activity, indicated by its monthly PMI, is a factor that both analysts and investors monitor just as they do with the data from the EIA, US Energy Information Administration.

Please move the mouse over the bars in order to see the real data.


Proven Oil Reserves of OPEC Members - 2022

The chart is based on the latest data from the OPEC+. According to the available data, Venezuela stands as the country with the biggest oil reserves in the world, followed by Saudi Arabia.

oil reserves by country - opec
Chart: www.oilfutures.co.uk | Data: OPEC
Proven crude oil reserves of OPEC members


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