Plummeting oil price leaves the OPEC+ in a slippery lurch
The price of crude oil fell precipitously on Friday when analysts were gauging the combined impact of the joint release of petroleum reserves and the discovery of new Covid-19 variant in Southern Africa. As of 18:00 GMT on Friday, the prices of WTI and Brent were $68.15 and $72.72 respectively. When the news broke out on Tuesday about the joint release of the petroleum reserves by the major global consumers last week, despite the speculation being in the public domain for days, the crude oil markets defied the obvious: the price of crude oil did not fall dramatically. The critics of the Biden administration and those who harboured the bullish sentiments lost no time in branding the move, at best politically disastrous and at worst an economic boomerang with a potential to harm many layers of the US administration. They were emboldened, perhaps, by the mysterious silence from the OPEC+ members in the aftermath of the joint release of the SPRs – the proverbial calm before the s