Tuesday 16 November 2021

Oil Price: Arctic blast across northern Europe may push the price up - further

Arctic Blast - November 2021

An Arctic blast is set to hit the northern Europe in the next few days, making both the temperatures and the continent’s cumulative natural gas supply plummeting in a significant way.

The above weather model shows how the extreme weather front is moving across the region in the next few days.

The price of the LNG, liquefied natural gas, which had been falling in the last few days from a record high, started going up again in light of the development on the weather front; in addition, it got boosted by the clashes along the border between Belarus and Poland.  

At present, Russia and the West are at loggerheads over range of issues and in this context, President Putin’s promise to provide Europe with extra supply of gas may not materialize – according to political analysts.

As of 12.40 GMT, the price of LNG was $5.14; the cascading effect was clear in the price of crude oil too: WTI was at $81.45 and Brent at $82.82.

Europe is not the only region that is at the mercy of nature at present, when the energy crunch is biting; China, the world’s second largest consumer, is experiencing unusually-cold temperatures at the onset of the winter season as well.

Since two major energy markets in the world, Europe and China, feel the pinch of plummeting temperatures, the pressure on the major commodities can only get more intense, which can potentially push the prices further up and directly affect the global productivity as a whole.

The rising rate of Covid-19 infections, and the diminished demand due to higher prices, however, can still put a damper on the enthusiasm of the investors of the crude oil.

In this context, the next two reports of the weekly US crude oil inventories, to be released on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively,  are going to be an interesting read to gauge the subtle movements of the energy sector – something that slip through the analytical grip of a typical data analyst.